Capsular Patterns 101
Capsular Patterns 101
This 3-page PDF includes an organized table and illustration of the capsular patterns of the skull, spine, upper extremity, lower extremity, and pelvis.
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Contents include an organized table and illustration of capsular patterns for the following joints:
Temporomandibular Joint
Atlanto-Occipital Joint
Cervical Spine
Thoracic Spine
Lumbar Spine
Sternoclavicular Joint
Acromioclavicular Joint
Glenohumeral Joint
Radiohumeral Joint
Ulnohumeral Joint
Proximal Radioulnar Joint
Distal Radioulnar Joint
Radiocarpal Joint
Trapeziometacarpal Joint
Metacarpophalangeal Joint
Interphalangeal Joint (Hand)
Iliofemoral Joint
Tibiofemoral Joint
Tibiofibular Joint
Talocrural Joint
Talocalcaneal Joint
Midtarsal Joint
1st Metatarsophalangeal Joint
2nd-5th Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Interphalangeal Joint (Foot)
Sacroiliac Joint
Symphysis Pubis Joint
Sacrococcygeal Joint