Smoked Salmon, Avocado, and Egg White Sandwich
This is one of my favorite sandwich combinations ever. It's tasty and light, but will leave you feeling full and happy afterwards! I love adding avocado to any meal, and you simply cannot go wrong with some hearty avo-toast.
What you'll need (for two slices):
- 2 slices of whole grain or multi-grain bread
- 1 avocado
- 4 egg whites
- 2 slices of smoked salmon
- 1 pinch of lemongrass
- Salt and cracked pepper (to taste)
- Juice from 1/2 of a lemon
First scramble your egg whites, seeing as this will be the longest step and the only one that requires "real" cooking.
Next, cut your avocado in half, remove the pit, and slice each half into quarter-inch thick pieces. You will use half of the avocado for one slice of bread, and half for the other.
Next, add your egg white, smoked salmon, lemongrass, salt and pepper, and fresh lemon juice!
Are you an avocado lover? If you eat a lot of avocado, I'm sure you've noticed how quickly they "brown." Here's a fun tip: you can preserve your avocados a little bit longer by coating them in a light layer of lemon juice!
If you have excess and wish to store it in the refrigerator to eat a later time, you'll sadly find that you're avocado might be covered with brown patches. This is natural, and quite unavoidable. Avocados, like bananas, brown quickly when exposed to oxygen because of the enzymes contained in them. Although it's impossible to completely avoid this, the citric acid in the lemon juice will help add a little bit of extra time to its lifespan.