Inhale, Exhale, Repeat

Hey, guys! I've decided that I want to start sharing deeper, more meaningful posts on my blog. I'm going to let my heart do the talking and share advice/thoughts/random spurts of meaningful words that I hope does not only help keep me inspired, but help inspire others as well.

I think it's safe to say that we should always inhale the good shit and exhale the bullshit. I feel like I've been dodging a lot of curve balls lately and life has been testing me to the best of its ability. I'm never one to complain about how good or bad I do or don't have it. I'm blessed beyond reason and have so much to be thankful for. However, when I have to channel my inner Mr. Miyagi to keep catching these pesky curveballs that sneak up on me, it's like, "Okay life, I get it, you can stop now! I got this!" Through the ups and downs of this roller coaster called "life," I always try my best to remain positive and view every moment that I am stressed out, overwhelmed, or weighed down by my emotions as a chance to grow and become a stronger, wiser person than I was the day before.

No matter the situation, no matter the circumstance - I believe that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and it's the bumps, bruises, pitstops, and learning experiences that happen along the way that make the journey to the end of that tunnel worth while. We all chose our own happiness. Regardless of what life throws at us, we ultimately have the ability to determine how strong our own peace of mind will be. You can choose to let a bad experience break you to pieces and take advantage of you, or you can choose to find peace with it and cut loose all of the unfastened strings that are creating a wall between you and your bliss. Holding onto anger and negativity is truly like poison and will erode the best parts of you one day at a time - your heart, your mind, your soul. It makes us sad. It makes us bitter. It makes us fragile and unable to grow. It makes us weary and constantly feel like we have to ask the question "Why?" There are simply far too many things that are out of our own control to let the why's and the how's toggle with our personal strength and gratification.

I've been doing my best to live by this quote for a while now. Inhale, exhale, repeat. When it comes down to it, I think these are the best and most accurate words to live by in order to allow your heart, mind, and soul to all be at peace with one another. I'd chose the tough times and rough learning experiences over a perfect life any day because I mean, a perfect life would just be outright uneventful and meaningless. My favorite part of the imperfect life that I live is that with every downfall, every setback, every heartbreak, and every suffering moment, the armor in my heart gets a little more resilient and the base of knowledge in my head grows a little more immense. And the true beauty that comes from it is that I made it. I made it through. I didn't let it break me. It was me who won. I've started to remind myself every day to keep my head high and my spirits even higher. Because to make it through, really, all you have to do is inhale, exhale, and repeat.

P.S. - I'll be posting this smoothie recipe on my "smoothies" page, but it's just a few handfuls of frozen mango chunks, pineapple, banana, and a big splash of coconut milk (+ a little water to blend)!

P.P.S. My shirt is from TJ Maxx - 9 bucks!